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Home Testing / Temporary operating procedures

These are effective from Monday 11 January 2021 onwards

These should be read in conjunction with V2.7 of the STA Revised Operating Procedures

Updated 2 March 2021

Covid-19 Symptoms

Anyone displaying any of the symptoms of Covid-19 MUST NOT come on to the school site.

They must self-isolate at home and arrange a test.

Home testing kits FAQ can be found here.

Important information regarding our March reopening in a letter from Principal, Gary Carlile can be found under letters to parents here.

Home Testing

Students have moved to twice weekly rapid COVID-19 testing at home. This is following their first three supervised tests on site at the Academy.

Up to one in three people who have COVID-19 can spread the virus without knowing. This is because they have no symptoms. To reduce the spread of the virus, we need to identify those individuals. We can do this in Stanground Academy by carrying out tests at home twice every week, 3-4 days apart.

The Government has recently announced that all secondary and college aged students will be offered tests to make the return to school safer for everyone. Testing students at home Students will be able to collect three home testing kits from their form tutor on the morning of Friday 19 March.

Each kit contains three tests. Students are expected to keep testing throughout the Easter holiday, so they will have enough tests for four full weeks. Further testing kits will be issued next half term if required. Government guidance suggests students take their tests on a Sunday evening and before school on a Wednesday of each week. However, we understand that for some people this may be challenging. Therefore, tests can be taken in the evening if needed. You need to report test results.

Tests are free of charge. Students will receive a testing kit along with a leaflet on how to take the test and report the results via the website. You will also need to tell the Academy the result of each test using this Microsoft Form. Positive tests must also be reported to the Academy directly via a phone call to reception. Students who are currently self-isolating and therefore, not in the building, are able to nominate a family member to collect their home test kits from Friday 19 March from the Academy reception.

The main office closes at 3.30pm and kits will only be available to collect between Monday-Friday, 8-3.30pm. Taking the test Students should take the test before coming into school, twice a week. Full instructions are included with the test kit. There is also a useful video to show you how to take the test here. Help and support is available, including instructions in different languages on how to test and report the results and a video showing you how to take the test. There is no need to keep used test equipment after the test result has been reported. You can put it in your normal bin (household waste). This does not replace symptomatic testing. If you have symptoms, you should self- isolate immediately, book a PCR test and follow national guidelines.

What should you do after the test? If anyone tests positive you, your household, any support bubbles you are part of should self-isolate immediately in line with NHS Test and Trace guidance for 10 days. We will also ask for evidence of a positive test e.g. photo of test strip, so that we can effectively adhere to our own internal test and trace procedures.

You need to report your result to both NHS Test and Trace and Stanground Academy. You should order a confirmatory PCR test if you are testing at home (confirmatory PCR tests are not needed if the test was conducted at the Asymptomatic Test Site at Stanground Academy). If the result of the test is unclear (void) you should do another test. Negative and void results should be reported to both NHS Test & Trace and Stanground Academy. A negative result does not guarantee that you are not carrying the virus. So, you should continue to follow social distancing, and other measures to reduce transmission such as wearing a face mask and regularly washing your hands and observing social distancing. If you or anyone in your household gets symptoms of the virus you should follow national guidelines on self-isolation and testing. You need to report each test result.

The result of each test needs to be reported using the NHS Test & Trace self-report website:

You will also need to tell the school the result of each test by completing the Microsoft Form detailed above.

Why take part: Taking part in testing is voluntary and all students will be able to attend Stanground Academy whether they take part in testing or not.

Please contact Mr Ian Craig (, our COVID Coordinator, if you have any questions or concerns about home testing. If you would like more information or access to our FAQ, please follow this link to our website. Thank you for your support. 

Arrival and departure times


  • Please see the staggered start and end times below.


  • Pupils will depart from school from 2.50pm from the main pedestrian exit.
  • They must not loiter or wait for friends, but depart immediately.
  • If they are being collected by parents in vehicles, we ask that the parent remains in their vehicle rather than congregating around the gate.

Alternative Curriculum Group

  • Pupils in the Alternative Curriculum Group have the same working hours and are required to follow their normal timetable.


  • School uniform is required.

Hands. Face. Space.

  • Whilst on the school site, face coverings must be worn, social distancing rules followed and hands washed/sanitised frequently (as a minimum this must include when pupils arrive on site, enter buildings or classrooms, have used the toilet, and before and after they eat.)
  • Pupils will be provided with sanitising wipes to clean keyboards and mice before and after use.
  • For each classroom, a seating plan will be recorded on the first day of the week and pupils will have to remain in these places throughout the week.

Lunch Time

  • During tutor time, pupils can order food for lunch time. Pupils eligible for FSM will receive this free of charge. Each pupil that needs to will place their lunch order during tutor time.
  • The pupils from each room will be escorted to the dining room, one group at a time.
  • Pupils will sanitise their hands and then line up using the social distancing markers. Once they have collected their food they will make their way to the seating in the dining room. Pupils from each year group will be allocated a separate area of the dining room to sit in.

Equipment Required

  • Pupils should bring headphones as they will be using school PCs to access the same online lessons as their peers.
  • They should also bring exercise books for the lessons they have that day and suitable stationery to write and work with (pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, sharpener, calculator).

Timings of the Day

  • From Monday 11 January, the timings of the school day will be:


  • Testing for those without coronavirus symptoms is beginning across the country using COVID-19 tests known as ‘lateral flow tests’.  Along with the other protective measures we are taking, these tests can help staff and students remain in the Academy safely. By testing we will help to stop the virus spread and help to keep our Academy open as safely as possible
  • Students will be provided with home test kits on Friday 19 March to take home. Home testing should take place at home on Sunday and Wednesday in line with government guidance.
Instructions for pupils NOT attending onsite provision due to self-isolating 
  • Pupils not attending on-site provision are expected to engage with online learning.
  • This will be provided in the form of live lessons over Teams where possible, or work will be set on Teams, following their usual timetable.
  • From Monday 11 January the timing of lessons for all pupils will be:

  • Pupils attendance will be recorded using ClassCharts and year teams will contact parents of pupils not engaging.
  • If there are any barriers to a pupil engaging with online learning, these should be communicated to the relevant year team to see if the school can resolve the issue. There are a number of ways the academy is trying to do this:
    • DfE Laptops: Over 100 devices have already been loaned or given to pupils and we are awaiting a further delivery.
    • Data: Pupils without adequate access to data at home have been supplied with Data SIM Cards (provided free by Vodafone) and we can now request DfE data dongles.
    • Increasing Mobile Data: Some mobile network providers are temporarily increasing data allowances for mobile devices. Schools need to request the mobile data increase on behalf of pupils and will write to parents in order to collect the data required to do this.
  • Pupils eligible for FSM will receive electronic supermarket vouchers.
Contacting the Academy 
  • If parents need to contact the school they can do so in the following ways:
    • Via the school website Questions page.
    • By emailing 
    • By calling the Academy on 01733 821430 where they will be able to speak to a member of the admin team or leave a voicemail. Voicemails are regularly accessed by the Academy's admin team who will respond or direct the message to the correct recipient.
  • The Covid-19 Information Hub on the website will be regularly updated with key information.
Instructions for staff attending site 
All staff are now expected to work in the Academy.  Alternative arrangements for home working must be agreed with the Principal in advance.
First Aid 
  • Please use Class Charts to call for first aid in an emergency only. Students can be sent to their year office for non-emergencies.
  • Covid-19 procedures must be followed (including the wearing and disposal of PPE) for dealing with first aid incidents as laid out in V2.6 of the STA Operating Procedures, logging the incident using the online first aid form
Emergency Evacuation Procedures 
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation the alarm will sound.
  • Pupils and staff should leave the building via the nearest safe exit and line up in the powerleague pitches, socially distanced.
  • The SLT on site will register pupils and staff to ensure everyone is present and accounted for.
  • Site staff will confirm if and when the building is safe to re-enter before switching off the alarm and informing the Lead member of SLT
Staff Absence 
  • If a member of staff is unable to attend through illness, they should inform the Academy's absence line (01733 821430) or email by 7.30am of the day of absence so cover can be arranged. Cover work must be provided to the CL.
  • If a member of staff providing online provision is unable to work due to illness, they should contact their line manager and email by 7.30am on the day of absence. Heads of Faculty are expected to have plans in place to provide learning for colleagues that are too ill to teach (and also in the event that they themselves are too ill to teach or set cover work).
  • Leave of Absence requests for all staff should continue in the usual way.
  • If there are insufficient members of staff, first aiders or site staff to operate the site safely the site may need to temporarily close to all pupils.
Cleaning staff are now in during the Academy day. Please contact Andy Barnes for further information.
Areas out of Bounds 
  • A notice will be placed on each room to record any visits to the room and site staff and the lead member of SLT on site must be informed.
Staff visiting site 
  • If you are classified as CEV do not come into the Academy site.
  • If you have an individual RA in place, this must be reviewed by your Line Manager.
Other visitors to site 
  • Other visitors (including parents) will NOT be allowed on the Academy site without the prior consent of the Principal. They will be required to read and abide by these Temporary Operating Practices, of the STA Operating Procedures and the associated Risk Assessment.